Our Technology
We provide specialized rehabilitative services to our patients in the communities we serve. We often see patients who are recovering from disabilities caused by injuries, illnesses, or chronic medical conditions.
Our Technology
Our current Bioness® technology helps patients regain lost mobility or movement in their hands and feet. This system is especially useful for stroke patients, those who may have suffered a traumatic brain injury, Multiple Sclerosis, cerebral palsy, and patients with partial spinal cord injuries. The system uses electrical stimulation to help patients regain more muscle control, which in turn, gives them more function and mobility.
The Hand Rehabilitation System is easy to use and has been shown to facilitate the use of hand function not only during the acute phase of recovery for stroke patients and those suffering from a brain injury, but also in select patients whose injuries are years old.
The Foot Rehabilitation System is wireless, low-profile, and lightweight. It consists of three components: a gait sensor that’s worn in the shoe, a wireless stimulating leg cuff worn below the knee, and a clinician-programmed control unit. This technology allows the patient to achieve a more-normalized gait on changing terrains and at varying speeds.
Lafayette Regional Rehabilitation Hospital was the first to offer this technology in Indiana.
LiteGait® is a gait training device that our staff uses to help patients comfortably walk in an environment free from falls. The system simultaneously provides proper posture, reduces weight bearing, eliminates concerns for balance, and helps in the training of lower body movement.
Its unique harness design creates and ideal environment for treating our patients who may have a wide range of impairments and ability levels. By allowing an increase or decrease in the weight-bearing load on the weaker side of the body, we may be able to begin gait training earlier in the rehabilitation process and at a lower weight-bearing level.
Top 10%
Recognized in the Nation’s Top 10%
Lafayette Regional Rehabilitation Hospital has been ranked by the Uniform Data System for Medical Rehabilitation (UDSMR), a non-for-profit corporation that was developed with support from the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation research, a component of the U.S. Department of Education. It ranks rehabilitation facilities based upon care that is patient-centered, effective, efficient, and timely.
Through UDSMR, our hospitals collaborate with our peers throughout the United States to share information and establish best practices for patients. This helps us elevate rehabilitative care for everyone across the United States.